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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many people around the world watch the NBA every week?
There are 1,590,000 people who watch every week.
There are 1,430,000 people who watch every week.
There are 1,210,000 people who watch every week.
How much does this basketball jersey cost? It is Michae Jordan's Jersey
It costs $10,000,000.
It costs $9,000,000.
It costs $11.000.000.
How many are there in 1 basketball match.
There are 10 players.
There are 8 players.
There are 6 players.
How much do these basketball shoes cost? The Jordan Retro Chicago.
It costs 180 Euros.
It costs 200 Euros.
It costs 140 Euros
We can 'block' the ball.
We can 'steal' the ball.
Before we play a little game. How do we stop someone from scoring?
We can 'guard' them.
What else?
A basketball jersey.
So what do we wear to play basketball?
Basketball shoes.
We can use the ring to 'dunk' the ball.
We can use the board to 'lay up' the ball.
When we play basketball do we only shoot?
No, we don't.
We call this the basketball court.
There are 2 baskets in the basketbal court.
The basket has got 3 parts
The net, the ring, and the board.
How do we score a point?
We shoot the ball. The ball has to go in the basket.
So what's the goal of basketball?
To score a point.
We can 'crossover'.
We can dribble 'between the legs'.
Can we dribble the ball in different ways?
Yes, we can.
How do we pass the ball?
We throw it.