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Geography Review - Asia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two of the biggest cities in Asia.
Beijing and Mumbai
List two of the natural resources in Asia.
Oil, gas, coal, forests, fish.
Name the ORANGE region.
Southeast Asia.
Name the YELLOW region.
East Asia.
Name the RED region.
Southern Asia.
Name the GREEN region.
Middle East.
Name the PINK region.
Central Asia.
Name the BLUE region.
North Asia.
List two of the biomes found in Asia.
Tropical Rainforests, Tundra, Temperate Forests, Grassland, Desert, Mountains...
True or False? Most of Asia is located in the sounthern hemisphere.
True or False? The highest mountain peak in the world can be found in Asia.
True or False? There are over 4.5 billion people who call Asia home.
Which two countries in Asia are the most populated countries in the world?
China and India
Is Malaysia a country in Asia?
Is Fiji a country in Asia?