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CS 30 Unit 1 Review

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What lesson did you learn from Ruth and Boaz?
patiently wait for your significant other - do not settle
In the "Healing of the Paralytic" the friends LITERALLY carried their friend, give a way that you can FIGURATIVELY carry your friends
answers will vary - teacher discretion
From "The Way," the Healing of the Paralytic, and Rev. Chris/Billie Eilish video we are reminded of the important of THIS type of relationship
3 opportunities offered to us to help us to deepen our relationship with Christ and give us grace are: P_________, S_________, the B_______
Prayer, Sacraments, The Bible
A L__________ F____________ is the key to a truly happy life
Living Faith
These are the 4 main ways you can find Jesus: P_______, Attending M_______, Receiving the S_______ (especially Eucharist and Reconciliation), seeing Jesus in o_________
Prayer, Mass, Sacraments, Others
What did God give each of us so that we can be GREAT?
gifts and talents
Never forget: All choices have _________
THIS is a combo of the way we look, think, act, personality traits, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values that are uniquely ours.
Personal autonomy comes with great ________, because freedom is powerful and with great power comes great...
In order to be fully alive, we need to gain a sense of who we are - we need to name, claim, and honour the complex person we are. We need to develop a sense of identity founded in ...
Jesus Christ
THIS is a call from God to embrace a life of holiness.
What is Jesus' best advice (the greatest commandment)
Love God and love others
Why does Jason Petty call his scars and trauma "life tattoos"?
Because they are permanent and have shaped who he is today. Scars are marks of healing
BRIEFLY explain the practice of Memento Mori
Remember each day that you might die and meet Jesus - so make decisions about what you think, say, and do that Jesus would have you do
A _________ is a follower of Jesus
When God FIRST called young Samuel, he did not know who was calling him. What did he need to help him?
Advice from wise, old Eli
WHO teaches us this lesson? No matter how bad our past is, God has a plan for us and calls us to turn to him at any point in our life. We need to answer God’s call even if it means changing our life.
St. Paul
WHO teaches us this lesson? Be a witness and spokesperson to the Resurrection of Jesus. “Tell the others” even if it seems impossible, nothing is impossible with God.
Mary Magdelene
WHO teaches us this lesson? We are called to live out our call, not just talk about it. Demonstrate our love in action, not just words.
St. Peter
WHO teaches us this lesson? Jesus knows us and loves us, he finds us where we are and calls us to where he wants us. By following his call in little ways we are contributing to something greater. Jesus has big plans for us.
WHO teaches us this lesson? Don’t let fears or doubts stand in your way of listening to and following God’s call. Say yes to God with same trust and confidence!
St. Mary
Psalm 139 reminds us that we are ________ and _________ made
Fearfully and wonderfully
Someone who goes on a pilgrimage is known as what?
A pilgrim
Going on a journey to a sacred holy place or shrine is known as this
A pilgrimage
The Way of St. James pilgrimage is called this
The Camino de Santiago
We learn about the Old Covenants because they all point to this...
The New Covenant through Jesus
The process of God SAVING MANKIND THROUGHOUT HISTORY, is known as _____________.
Salvation History
The 5 OLD _______________ were with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David
In the Old Testament, God made serious promises (called these) with people as a way to CREATE a SACRED RELATIONSHIP with them.
THIS is self-directing freedom (freedom to make your own life choices)
personal autonomy
This word refers to the act of paying careful attention to details and praying to God in order to make informed decisions
What does MEMENTO MORI mean?
Remember your death
In this unit, we used this word often to describe a BIG CHANGE