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It's the biggest animal in the ocean. It's not a fish, it's a mammal. It's endangered.
Blue whale
This animal has got wings and a beak. It can hunt very well. It can see a small animal from one kilometre.
This animal has got eight legs. It lives in the sea.
It's an insect. It's got eight legs. It eats flies and smaller insects. It can make a web.
It's a rare fish. It lives very deep in the ocean. People say it's one of the ugliest animals in the world.
It's an endangered animal. It's black and white. It lives in Asia. It loves bamboo.
It can't walk. It can't fly. It has got a long body. It hasn't got legs. It can be dangerous.
It's a mammal. It's got long arms and a long tail. It can climb trees. It likes bananas.
It lives in Australia. It can jump very well. The baby lives in its mother's pocket.
It's a very big and strong animal. It lives in the desert. It can drink a lot of water and walk for a very long time.
It's a colourful animal, it's got feathers and it can fly. Sometimes it can speak.
It's got a very long neck. It eats leaves from tall trees. It lives in Africa.
This animal lives in water. It's a reptile. It's got a big mouth, short legs and a long body. It's dangerous.
It's a bird with very long legs. It can run very fast but it can't fly.
This animal lives in Africa. It's got a strong body, a long tail and a mane. It can run and hunt very well.
It's a bird but it can't fly. It loves cold weather.