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Combine sentences using relative clauses (that,  ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The plate broke. It fell on the floor.
The plate that fell on the floor broke.
The clothes are from my friend's closet. I'm wearing them.
The clothes that I'm wearing are from my friend's closet.
The student just left. You were looking for him.
The student you were looking for just left.
Students will receive $5. They have to arrive on time.
Students that arrive on time will receive $5.
The toys have been taken. They were left outside.
The toys that were left outside have been taken.
The store is closed today. It sells tacos.
The store that sells tacos is closed today.
The dog looks so happy. It is muddy.
The dog that is muddy looks so happy.
The pizza was good. I ate the pizza least night.
The pizza that I ate last night was good.
Mr. Jones is a teacher. He is out sick today.
Mr. Jones is a teacher that is out sick today.
I know somebody. They won a million dollars.
I know somebody that won a million dollars.
Where is the game? I bought it yesterday.
Where is the game that I bought yesterday?
Ken is the student. He wanted to sign up for the team.
Ken is the student that wanted to sign up for the team.
This is the man. The man wanted to help me.
This is the man that wanted to help me.
Show me the dog. The dog growled.
Show me the dog that growled.
The movie is hilarious. I watched the movie last night. (THAT)
The movie that I watched last night is hilarious.