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Mistakes February exam

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Other advantage is that they can learn more easily
ANOTHER advantage is that they can learn more easily
Teachers must to teach the importance of protect the animals
Teachers must teach the importance of PROTECTING animals
I'll try to do everything I can for help you
I'll try to do everything I can TO help you
Teach to your children that is very important recicle
Teach your children that IT is very important TO recYcle
Even though this supervision, kids could make a bad use of these devices
DESPITE/IN SPITE OF this supervision, kids could make a bad use of these devices
This could be tackled with moderns laws
This could be tackled with MODERN laws
Teachers must educate childrens
Teachers must educate CHILDREN
With this devices you can chat with other classmates
With THESE devices you can chat with other classmates
They can search for information if they have a doubt
They can search for information if they have a question
It's difficult imagine our world without mobile phones
It's difficult TO imagine our world without mobile phones
The use of mobiles are really good
The use of mobiles IS really good
They record videos and then upload it to their social media
They record videos and then upload THEM to their social media
The use of these devices is good for them?
Is the use of these devices good for them?
Are mobiles really usefull?
Are mobile phones really usefull?
Nowadays kids born with a mobile phone in their hands
Nowadays kids ARE born with a mobile phone in their hands
Not everybody is agree with this
Not everybody agrees with this