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Grade 2 Unit 4 review game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Earth is the only planet in solar system that has liquid ________
Give an example of a building that can withstand the earthquake
Sky tree, Taipei 101, Shanghai tower
Volcanic eruptions happen when __________ (气泡) inside magma, or hot liquid rock, expand
The sleeping volcano that can erupt in future we call
What is the name of the city was destroyed by volcano?
Pompeii city
The volcano which is not going to erupt again we call
The volcano that is erupting now we call
When ash and lava comes out of volcano we call it
Giant mountain with the hole on top we call
What should you do during the earthquakes?
Drop, take cover, Hold on
The moving of tectonic plates causes
Pieces of Earth's crust are called
Tectonic plates
The layer of the Earth that we are living on
The layer which is made of semi-molten rock
This layer is made of Liquid Metal
Outer core
This layer of Earth is as hot as Sun!
Inner core
Earth was made from a big cloud of_____ and dust.
Why do we have seasons on Earth? Hint: Earth rotates around _____ and gets different amount of_________
Sun, sunlight
How many layers does Earth have?