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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens when water freezes?
It turns into ice.
What happens when ice melts?
It turns to water.
Mention 3 activities that need to use water!
Bathing, washing, cooking, watering plants, drinking, etc.
What happens if we mix sand with water?
The sand sinks in water.
How much water should we drink each day?
8 glasses / 2 liters
What can tell us if we are drinking enough water or not?
The colour of our urine
Mention three things that need wind to move!
Sailboat, windmill, kite
What happens if we mix syrup with water?
It changes the colour of the water.
How does the water taste if we mix it with salt?
It tastes salty.
What are the characteristics of the three forms of water?
All forms of water has no colour, no smell, no taste.
What is the characteristic of steam?
Steam is hot and has no shape.
What is the characteristic of water?
Water takes the shapes of its container.
What is the characteristic of ice?
Ice is cold and hard.
Mention 2 things that need to be filled with air to work!
What makes the air polluted?
Smoke and dust from cars and factories
What action can we do to keep the air clean? Mention 3!
Walk or ride bike, take the bus, plant more trees.
What should we do to prevent dirty air from getting into our lungs?
Wear air masks
What happens if you mix salt with water?
The salt disappears in water.
What do divers need when they go underwater?
Air tank
What is dirty air called?
Polluted air
People need air for ..............
Why do candles need air?
For burning
What happens if you mix oil and water?
The oil floats on water
What makes sailboat move?
What are the three states of water?
Ice, water, steam