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Diabetes Awareness

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Which type of diabetes can be prevented?
type 2
type 1
gestational diabetes
What happens to the baby in Gestational Diabetes?
The baby can grow larger than average, may be born with low blood sugar, or may have poorly developed lungs.
What is the treatment for Gestational Diabetes?
Treatment for gestational diabetes may include monitoring blood sugar levels, following a special diet, exercising regularly
What is the treatment for type 2 diabetes?
Lifestyle changes, oral medication, and sometimes insulin injections
What is the treatmeat for type 1 diabetes?
Type 1 diabetics must receive insulin injections to manage their blood sugar.
What are the general symptoms of diabetes?
They include excessive thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision
Who is at risk for type 2?
Anyone who is obese or inactive is at risk for type 2 diabetes. Hispanics and African Americans are at greater risk than other groups.
Who is at risk for type 1?
People who have a family history of type 1 diabetes are at risk.
When does Gestational Diabetes develop?
Usually during the 24-28th weeks of pregnancy, but it often goes away after pregnancy.
When does type 2 diabetes develop?
This type typically develops in adults, though children are begin diagnosed with type 2 because of obesity.
When does type 1 diabetes develop?
It is usually developed in childhood or adolescence, but can happen at any time.
How does Gestational diabetes occur?
This happens when the body cannot meet the demand for insulin production during pregnancy
What is the cause of type 2 diabetes?
This type of illness is caused by lifestyle choices, especially diet and exercise.
What is the cause of type 1 diabetes?
an autoimmune condition, the body fails to produce insulin
a poor diet
lack of exercise
high cholesterol
What are the 3 types of diabetes?
Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes
How many types of Diabetes exist?
There are 3 types of diabetes.