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The Senses

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Why do you think blind people often wear sunglasses when going out?
To make other people feel more comfortable when communicate with them (in terms of eye contacts)
People who are blind have special gifts, or a "sixth sense."
(False) Blind people rely on their senses of touch, hearing, taste, or smell, which become sharper to compensate for their loss of vision.
People who are blind cannot read printed materials.
(False) Technology has enabled various kinds of print accessible. Screens and texts can become magnified and enlarged.
Blind people see only darkness.
(False) Only 18 percent of people who are visually impaired are totally blind.
Are bats blind?
Which sense provide most information to human?
Sight. 2/3 of the information you receive from the surrounding is from your eyes.
Which of the following is NOT one of your senses? sight, taste, touch, laughing
Ears and noses never stop growing.
TRUE. Bones stop growing after puberty, but the cartilage of the nose and ears continue to grow for the rest of your life.
One foot can sweat the equivalent of half a glass of water in one day.
TRUE. A foot contains 125,000 sweat glands. It can sweat the equivalent of half a glass of water in one day.
The eyes are always the same size from birth to death.
FALSE. Baby eyes are proportionally larger than adult eyes, but they are still smaller. At birth, our eyes are 75% of the size they will have when we become adu
What is the animal that you see in this photo?
a rabbit
There are 48 muscles that control the movement of each eye.
FALSE. Six muscles work together to control eye position and movement within each eye socket.
On average, human skin weighs about 6 lb. (2.75 kg).
TRUE. The skin is the largest organ of a human body. On average, it weighs about 6 lb. (2.75 kg).
Every square inch of skin on the human body has about 32 million bacteria on it.
TRUE. Every square inch of skin on the human body has about 32 million bacteria on it. Fortunately, the vast majority of them are harmless.
The sense of balance is in our eyes.
FALSE. The sense of balance is in our inner ears.
The skin plays an essential role in the manufacture of vitamin C.
FALSE. The skin plays an essential role in the manufacture of vitamin D (not vitamin C). With the help of sunlight, the skin makes vitamin D, essential for fixi
There is a disease that prevents the feeling of physical pain. True or False
TRUE. Congenital insensitivity to pain is a rare hereditary disease.
The optic nerve transmits information to the brain at a speed of 68 mph (110 km/h). True or False?
FALSE. The optic nerve transmits information to the brain at a speed of 100 to 120 m/s or about 250 mph (400 km/h).
Sweet, salty, and bitter are the 3 basic tastes perceived by the tongue. True or False?
FALSE. There are 4 basic tastes: sweet, acidic (or sour), salty and bitter. Many add umami (savory)