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Electric Energy

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does electricity flow when a switch closes the circuit?
4 components of a simple circuit.
energy source, load, conductor, switch
These are closed paths with no gaps. Electricity flows through them.
electricaal circuits
Example of static electricity.
Lightning or rubbing a balloon
Which type of electricity does not flow?
Two types of electricity.
Static electricity and dynamic or current electricity
Give an example of an electrical insulator.
plastic, paper, wood
What are electrical conductors?
Materials that allow electricity to travel through them.
What objects attract each other?
Objects with opposite electrical chaarges. + and -
Electricaally charged objects can mover towards each other (attract) or move away from each other (____)
The atom will have a negative charge when...
it gains more electrons.
Protons have _____ charge while neutrons have _____ charge.
positive electrical, no
What moves around the nucleus and has a negative charge?
Nucleus = ______ + ________
protons and neutrons
Atoms are tiny particles that make up _____.
What form of energy can we use to power electrical devices?