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Explain Glitch in terms of the Consequences and How Long it Can Take to Recover
Little/No Consequences and Little/No Recovery Time (seconds)
Explain Small Problem in terms of the Consequences and How Long it Can Take to Recover
Small Consequences and Quick Recovery Time (minutes)
Explain Medium Problem in terms of the Consequences and How Long it Can Take to Recover
Unpleasant consequences and fairly short recovery time (hours)
Explain Big Problems in terms of the Consequences and How Long it Can Take to Recover
Serious Consequences and possible long recovery time (days/weeks)
Explain Emergency in terms of the Consequences and How Long it Can Take to Recover
Can cause critical harm/damage and very long recovery time (weeks/months)
Which type of problem will you need help right away from a first responder?
Which type of problem will you need an adult's help to solve?
Big Problem
Which type of problem might need some help to solve?
Which type of problem can be solved on your own?
Small Problem
Which type of problem is not a problem and you should just let it go?
How much help do you need for an Emergency?
I need immediate help from a first responder.
How much help do you need for a Big Problem?
I need help from an adult.
How much help do you need for a medium problem?
I might need some help from someone.
How much help do you need for a Small Problem?
I can solve a small problem by myself.
How much help do you need for a Glitch?
No help. A glitch is not a problem. I need to let it go.