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Saying No (Assertive)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You see a classmate copying from your test. Now she's  passing you a note in class.
A classmate gets a math question wrong in a group project. Now he's asking you to turn it in to the teacher.
A teacher is going to give you detention for something you did not do. Your teacher did not see everything, but another student did.
A classmate says the band on your friend's shirt sucks. They try to get you to make fun of your friend's shirt.
You and your friend are playing Switch after school. A classmate says your favorite game is for little kids.
You and a friend are playing soccer after school and a classmate tells her she can't play because she's a girl.
A friend asks you to sneak candy out of the store in your pockets.
You and a friend are playing a board game and another classmate comes over and switches the game
A friend is smoking a cigarette and offers you one
Your cousin says their homework is harder than yours.
Your friend invites you to ditch class to go to the mall
Your brother changes the tv channel but you were watching something first
A friend says to tell your parents you're going over so you can sneak out
You let a friend  borrow a videogame but they broke it. Now he's asking to borrow another one
You let your friend borrow $5 but they haven't paid you back. Now they asked to borrow more money.
Your cousin took your iPad without asking for it