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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When did Tanya play on her computer?
In the evenings.
When did Tanya go to the beach?
In the afternoons.
Where did Tanya meet her friends?
In the park.
Who did Kurt meet in the Lake District?
Some nice kids.
What didn't Kurt like in London?
The noise.
What was Kurt's favourite museum in London?
Natural History Museum.
Where did Kurt go this summer?
He went to England.
Where did David go last summer?
He went to Paris.
What did David do in the French countryside?
He walked every day and ate French food.
Where did Tanya and her mother go?
They went to the beach, to the countryside and to the cinema.
What did Kurt's dad do in the Lake District?
Kurt's dad walked a lot in the lake District.
What did David do in Paris?
He went to the Louvre and up the Eiffel Tower.
Did Tanya go abroad?
No, she stayed at home.
Where did David stay in Paris?
He stayed in a friends flat.
How long did Kurt spend in each place?
Kurt spent a week in each place.