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Dolores huerta quiz

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Who is considered a good citizen according to the quiz?
Both Dolores Huerta and César Chávez
What did Dolores learn from her mother about citizenship?
To be kind and brave
What was the result of the group organized by Dolores and César?
Improved working conditions on farms
What did Dolores and César organize to protect the rights of farm workers?
National Farm Workers Association
Who did Dolores meet in 1955 that shared her desire to help farm workers?
César Chávez
Why was Dolores' proposal daring?
Other teachers disagreed with her ideas
What did Dolores propose to her school's principal to help the children?
Free lunches and milk
What profession did Dolores study to become?
What did Dolores' mother do to help poor farm workers?
Allowed them to stay at her hotel and eat at her restaurant for free
What did Dolores' mother believe in?
All people deserve fair treatment
What important lesson did Dolores learn from her mother?
Good citizenship
Where was Dolores Huerta born?
New Mexico