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Behaving towards others - High Note 4 U3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to ridicule or mock someone or something, often in a playful or unkind way
make fun of somebody or something
let sb down
put up with sb
make up with sb
to tolerate or endure someone or something, even if it is difficult or unpleasant.
put up with somebody
make fun of sb
lose your temper
fall out with sb
to become angry and lose control of one's emotions
lose your temper
put up with sb
make up with sb
make fun of sb
to speak about someone in a negative or critical way when they are not present.
talk behind sb's back
give sb a compliment
put up with sb
make up with sb
to disappoint or fail to meet expectations of someone
let somebody down
talk behind sb's back
empathize with sb
give sb a compliment
to resolve a conflict or disagreement and become friends again with someone
make up with sb
talk behind sb's back
lose your temper
put up with sb or sth
to have a disagreement or argument with someone and become unfriendly or hostile towards them.
fall out with sb
put up with sb
let sb down
make up with sb
this means to express admiration, praise, or a kind remark to someone.
give somebody a compliment
make up with somebody
fall out with somebody
put up with somebody or something
this means to understand and share the feelings of another person
empathize with somebody
lose your temper
make with somebody
give somebody a compliment