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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am thirsty after recess.
Great job!!
The snail is slow.
Great job!!
The cake is small.
Great job!!
I go to school.
Great job!!
The star is in the sky.
Great job!!
Stir the soup.
Great job!!
She has a sister.
Great job!!
The husky likes the snow.
Great job!!
She ate spaghetti.
Great job!!
I had pancakes for breakfast.
Great job!!
She likes to smell the flowers.
Great job!!
The sky is full of clouds.
Great job!!
The room has dust
Great job!!
The class will take a test.
Great job!!
Snoopy is asleep.
Great job!!
The basketball can bounce.
Great job!!
The dog will escape.
Great job!!
The toothpaste is pink.
Great job!!
The minion is fast.
Great job!!
Ask a question.
Great job!!
The vest is brown.
Great job!!
The wasp is scary.
Great job!!
The toast is good.
Great job!!
The mask is blue.
Great job!!
There are eggs in the nest.
Great job!!
The desk is black.
Great job!!
The cast is red.
Great job!!
The astronaut goes to space.
Great job!!
The cat has long whiskers.
Great job!!
I went to the hos-pi-tal.
Great job!!
The girls like to whisper.
Great job!!
The costume is a smore.
Great job!!
The lipstick is red.
Great job!!
Put your food in a basket.
Great job!!
The girl is asleep
Great job!!
The snow is white.
Great job!!
The boy is on a sled.
Great job!!
The boy is on a swing.
Great job!!
The storm is scary.
Great job!!