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What kind of TV show talks about sports?
sports programme
What kind of games let you pretend to be someone else in made-up stories?
role-playing games
What type of film or TV show presents real-life events, people, or issues, often aiming to inform or educate the audience?
What kind of TV show teaches you how to make delicious food and gives tips for cooking?
cookery show
What type of TV shows or movies are animated and often has funny characters and colorful worlds that is not real??
What type of television shows focus on the relationships, emotions, and everyday struggles of characters, often has over multiple episodes or seasons?
drama series
What kind of movies are really exciting and suspenseful, with lots of surprises and action?
thriller films
What type of event showcases various individuals demonstrating their skills, such as singing, dancing, or magic, in front of an audience and judges?
talent show
What kind of movies has characters with special powers who fight villains to protect the world?
superhero movies
What type of movies are known for scaring people with ghosts, monsters, and other creepy things?
horror films
What type of movie tells a love story between two people, showing how they fall in love
romantic films
What kind of movie has space travel, aliens, or advanced technology, and often takes place in the future or in a different world?
sciene-fiction films
What type of movie has a lot of exciting fights, car chases, and explosions, where the main character usually saves the day?
action film