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Speakout Advanced Plus Units 1-6 vocab
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Several of the team felt that Julia’s idea had a lot of potential, but when it came to the projected benefits, I found her arguments fairly____ (persuade).
Sarah would have happily submitted the initial draft of the article, but Hannah’s such a ____ (perfect), several rewrites were required.
Questions have been asked about the ethical responsibilities of companies operating within the less regulated areas of collaborative_____ (consume) models.
Although there are some reservations regarding the cost entailed in research, Kline’s latest innovation could be____ (transform) for the industry at large.
We hadn’t expected to raise such a large sum in our first weeks of the campaign, but donors were _____ (stint) in their generosity.
During his time in office his brash attitude and uncaring approach to the team has only ____ (force) my rather poor view of him.
He lacks many of the qualifications required for the role, but he’s incredibly ______ (enthuse)
I’d heard he was quite articulate, but I found his arguments confusing and entirely ____ (persuade) – there was nothing credible in them.
The gang were caught ____ (hand) by detectives as they tried to break into the vault.
She offered a _____ (compel) case for employing more staff, but sadly we can’t afford it.
Despite their claims to offer _____ (bias) reporting, there have been questions about their integrity.
This government has been extremely lax (not careful) in____ (force) legislation which protects the rights of migrant workers.
They totally ______ (jeopardy) their chances of winning a medal when they tested positive for a banned substance.
After some investigation we found out that he’d completely____ (state) his role in the businesses success.
She’s been an ____ (inspire) to many young athletes who all wish to emulate her success.
The classes are designed to build on core strength and enhance ____ (appear) rather than build muscle.
I think that looks can be_____ (deceive) so much of what you see has gone through a process of editing.
Seasoned travellers though they were, they found life in the village extremely ______ (alien) and left after a few difficult months.
It’s not that I want an apology but it would be good if he could at least ____ (know) his mistakes.
I’d say that her behaviour is ____ (type) of people who live here. Everyone else tends to be a bit more reserved.
While I understand the proposal will deliver short-term ____ (solve), I doubt it has any long-term benefit.