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B2 & B2+ vocab

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean 'to jinx' someone?
To cause a person or group bad luck
What's another phrase for supporting?
Rooting for
What's another word for better?
What does it mean 'to relieve'?
to make an unpleasant feeling less strong
What's another word for zero?
What does 'yelling' mean?
Shouting loudly
What is the name from the groups of fans who travelled to another city to watch their team play a match?
Away fans
Some fans and sportspeople believe in superstitions. What are superstitions?
An unjustified belief that certain actions will lead to a specific result
Who are the 'home fans'?
The team fans who live in the place where the game is being played
What's the opposite of a loss?
A victory
What's the opposite of a victory?
A loss
What is the word for the songs the supporters sing during matches?
What does it mean 'to boast'?
Speak with excessive pride
What's the name of the game official that is located on the pitch?
The referee
What's the word for enemy teams?
What are some common actions people do as they watch a game?
Yell, shout, jump, curse, make gestures..... etc.
What is the item that teams win at the end of a championship/league?
A trophy
How do you read this score aloud? 3-0
Three-Zero or Three-nil
Another way to describe a very strong feeling of support
fierce loyalty
What's another way to say 'to support'?
To back e.g. I'm backing Ireland in this game
What's another way to say 'to be passed on to you'?
To rub off on you
Another way to say 'through good times and bad'
Through thick and thin
What's another word for a true and loyal fan?
A diehard fan
What does it mean to describe someone as 'attention-seeking'?
Someone who constantly wants everyone's attention
What does it mean to be a 'fair-weather fan'?
A fan that only supports a team when they are playing well
What do you have an affinity to?
e.g. Keeping fit, travelling, eating in nice restaurants etc.
What does it mean to be 'a good sport'?
Someone that plays well with others, doesn't cause problems and goes with the flow
What does 'retro' mean?
in the style of the past
What does 'immature' mean?
behaving in a way that seems too young for your age
What does it mean 'to turn up'?
to arrive or to come to something
What is 'a touchy subject'?
something that you have to talk about carefully as it can make people angry or unhappy
What is 'self-indulgence'?
allowing yourself to have or do anything you enjoy
What does it mean 'to spring up'?
to appear unexpectedly
What is 'a shudder'?
to shake suddenly and briefly, especially in fear or disgust
What is 'a hassle'?
something that is annoying because it causes difficulty or trouble