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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are 5 players in a basketball team. How many teams can be made from 48 players, and how many players will be left over?
9 teams with 3 players left over.
The maximum weight of carry-on luggage on a cheap flight is 8kg. Jacob weighs himself with his luggage, and the scales read 83.6kg. His weight without the luggage is shown in the picture. Is Jason's luggage light enough for the plane?
No. Luggage weighs 8.5kg
John has 50 sweets he wants to share equally between himself and his two siblings. How many sweets will each person get, and how many sweets will be left over?
16 sweets each with 2 left over.
Ferah buys some groceries from the local shop. She pays with a ten pound not and gets this change. How much did she spend?
15 students are going on a trip. They will use taxis to get there. each taxi can hold 4 passengers. How many cabs will be needed?
This student spent an hour studying in total on Thursday and Friday. How much time did they spend on Friday?
20 minutes
Brian weighed 91.5kg in November, and 87.6kg in January. How much lighter was he in January?
Chloe has read 66 pages of her 380 page book. How many more pages does she need to read to get halfway through her book?
124 pages
Rhys is training to run in a marathon and plans to train by running 26 miles over 3 days. He runs 12 miles on the first day, then half that amount on the second day. How many miles does he have left to run on the third day?
8 miles
Amy has a 1 litre bottle of lemonade. She fills 3 glasses with lemonade. She puts 250 ml in each glass. How much lemonade is left in the bottle?
Harry has a £2 coin and wants to buy 3 cookies at 75p each. Does he have enough money?
No. 3 x 75p = £2.25
Ferah pays £35.75 per month for her Internet. James pays £38.50. What is the difference in price?
How many more people chose TV & Films than music?