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Main course
The primary dish of a meal, often consisting of a larger portion of protein (such as meat, fish, or tofu) accompanied by vegetables, grains, or side dishes
Sit-down dinner
A formal meal where guests are seated at a table and served multiple courses by waitstaff.
A serving method where large dishes of food are placed on the table and guests serve themselves.
A meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes laid out on a table or buffet line.
Describes food, especially meat, that is cooked very lightly, leaving the center red or pink and the interior still cool.
Describes food, especially meat, that is cooked to a moderate level of doneness, typically with a slightly pink or red center.
Describes food, especially meat, that is cooked thoroughly and completely, often with no pink or redness remaining.
Food that is not cooked and consumed in its natural state, such as fruits, vegetables, or sushi.
Food cooked over an open flame or grill, often with the addition of barbecue sauce or seasoning for flavor.
Food cooked in an oven or over an open flame, typically with dry heat, resulting in a caramelized exterior and tender interior.
Food cooked in hot oil or fat, resulting in a crispy texture and rich flavor.
Food cooked in an oven using dry heat, often resulting in a crispy or caramelized exterior and a moist interior.
Food cooked in hot water or liquid at a high temperature until it is fully cooked and tender.
The sweet course served at the end of a meal, typically consisting of pastries, fruits, cakes, or ice cream.
Side dish
A smaller dish served alongside the main course to complement or enhance its flavors, such as vegetables, rice, or potatoes.
Similar to a starter, an appetizer is a small dish served before the main course to stimulate the appetite.
The first course of a meal, typically smaller in portion size and served before the main course.
Hors d’oeuvres
Small, bite-sized dishes served before a meal, usually eaten with fingers or toothpicks.