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How long does Robinson Crusoe remain stranded on the island before finally being rescued?
Robinson Crusoe remains stranded on the island for 27 years before being rescued by a European ship.
How does Robinson Crusoe spend his time on the island, and what skills does he teach Friday?
Robinson Crusoe spends his time on the island building a house, a boat, and creating a new life for himself. He teaches Friday to use tools and speak English.
Who does Robinson Crusoe encounter on the island, and what is the significance of this encounter?
Robinson Crusoe encounters natives from a nearby island and some prisoners, one of whom he helps escape. This encounter leads to the formation of a friendship b
What misfortune leads Robinson Crusoe to be stranded on a desert island?
Robinson Crusoe's ship is hit by a storm while he is on a trip to Africa to buy slaves, resulting in him being alone on a desert island.
What is the name of the protagonist in "Robinson Crusoe," and what is his initial aspiration?
The protagonist's name is Robinson Crusoe, and he dreams of becoming a sailor and traveling the world.
Why is Daniel Defoe often referred to as the "father of the English novel"?
Daniel Defoe is often called the "father of the English novel" because his novel "Robinson Crusoe" is considered one of the earliest examples of the modern nove
In what ways do Defoe's novels typically explore the struggles of their characters?
Defoe's novels often depict characters facing physical, financial, or spiritual challenges and the ways in which they navigate and overcome these difficulties t
Name two other famous novels written by Daniel Defoe besides "Robinson Crusoe."
Two other famous novels written by Daniel Defoe are "Moll Flanders" and "Roxana."
How did Daniel Defoe's experiences as a merchant influence his writing career?
Daniel Defoe's experiences as a merchant provided him with firsthand knowledge of trade, travel, and different cultures, which he drew upon in his writing to cr
What was the title of Daniel Defoe's most famous novel, and when was it published?
Daniel Defoe's most famous novel is "Robinson Crusoe," which was published in 1719.