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Chronic Diseases
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Which foods should you AVOID to lower your cholesterol?
baked goods and cookies
fruits and veggies
beans and legumes
whole grains and cereals
Which of these methods should you AVOID when cooking?
Which of these is NOT a factor of metabolic syndrome?
Low cholesterol
High waist measurement (35 inches or more)
High blood pressure and elevated blood sugar levels
High triglycerides (greater than 150mgl)
Which cholesterol is "GOOD" ?
There is no GOOD Cholesterol
Which kinds of fats increase your cholesterol level?
Eating too much saturated and trans fats can raise cholesterol so it's best to limit those fats.
How can you lower cholesterol?
Exercise 30-60 minutes each day
Smoke cigarettes
Drink soda or juice each day
Ignore food labels
What are good cholesterol levels?
For most people total cholesterol should be under 200
How do doctors check for high cholesterol?
They do a blood test called a lipid panel to measure cholesterol levels.
Can high cholesterol run in families?
Yes sometimes high cholesterol is passed down through families.
How can you tell if you have high cholesterol?
You usually can't tell without a blood test because it doesn't cause obvious symptoms.
What happens if cholesterol is too high?
Having high cholesterol can lead to heart disease or stroke because it blocks your arteries.
Why does cholesterol get high?
High cholesterol happens when you eat too much unhealthy food, don't exercise, smoke, or if it runs in your family.
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your body and some foods. It's needed for building cells and making hormones.