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Unit 7 and 8 RW Unlock 2 part 2
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence using 'in order to' and 'We explore space'.
Join these two clauses to make one sentence using 'because' or 'so': I study business. I want to be an entrepreneur.
I study business because I want to be an entrepreneur OR I want to be an entrepreneur, so I study business.
The ______ _________ tells the reader what the essay will be about. It also says what the main body paragraphs will discuss.
thesis statement
Choose the phrase to complete the sentence: People (do not have to / is important to) be rich to be good role models.
People do not have to be rich to be good role models.
What kind of sentence is this? 'In summary, I admire him a lot because he works hard.'
concluding sentence
If you are very quiet/don't talk much, people might think you are...
a natural ability to do something well (hint: noun)
This word is a synonym for intelligent.
to make other people feel that they want to do something (hint: verb)
The surgeon performed an _______ to fix the broken bone in the patient's arm.
Put the words in order to make a complete sentence: Coffee / of / drink / a sort / is / .
Coffee is a sort of drink.
Complete this sentence with a modal: A role model ____ inspire people.
should, has to, must