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MULAN chapters 1 & 2
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How is everyone feeling the morning Mulan leaves?
Everyone feels sad
What adjectives does Sun Ying say to Mulan?
She says Mulan is BRAVE and CLEVER
What does Mulan buy at the market?
A horse and a saddle
What is Mulan's plan?
To fight in the army in her father's place
What's wrong with Mulan's father?
He's old and ill. He can't fight in the army
What does Mulan see on the list?
His father's name. It's first on the list
What does the Emperor need?
The Emperor needs a very big army to fight the enemy
Why is everybody running to the tree that morning?
To see a long list on a tree
What was Mulan doing to sell at the market?
She was making cloth
Who does Mulan live with?
Her parents, her older sister, and her younger brother
What is the setting of this story?
Ancient China