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Idioms for Jackie V.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The company attempted to sweep the allegations of smuggling ________________, but a thorough inquiry by customs authorities uncovered the customs offenses.
The company attempted to sweep the allegations of smuggling under the rug, but a thorough inquiry by customs authorities uncovered the customs offenses.
We can't afford to sweep any suspicious transactions _________________; we need to thoroughly investigate each one.
We can't afford to sweep any suspicious transactions under the rug; we need to thoroughly investigate each one.
Let's schedule a meeting to ensure that both our defense team and the in-house counsel are __________________e before the trial begins.
Let's schedule a meeting to ensure that both our defense team and the in-house counsel are on the same page before the trial begins.
All members of the Appellate Court are __________________ regarding their decision to uphold the lower court's ruling on the smuggling charges.
All members of the Appellate Court are on the same page regarding their decision to uphold the lower court's ruling on the smuggling charges.
The legal fees for defegnding high-profile smugglin cases can ____________________, but it's crucial to secure experienced representation such as our law firm.
The legal fees for defegnding high-profile smugglin cases can cost an arm and a leg, but it's crucial to secure experienced representation such as our law firm.
Hiring legal experts can _______________, but it's necessary to prove our client's innocence.
Hiring legal experts can cost an arm and a leg, but it's necessary to prove our client's innocence.
Our investigation is progressing well, and I'm confident we're ___________________ to building a strong case.
Our investigation is progressing well, and I'm confident we're on the right track to building a strong case.
Based on the evidence we've gathered, I believe we're ____________ to being cleared on smuggling charges.
Based on the evidence we've gathered, I believe we're on the right track to being cleared on smuggling charges.
Before the trial begins, I'll need to __________________ to review all the evidence and legal precedents.
Before the trial begins, I'll need to hit the books to review all the evidence and legal precedents.
As a lawyer specializing in money laundering cases, I need to __________ regularly to stay updated on the latest laws and regulations.
As a lawyer specializing in money laundering cases, I need to hit the books regularly to stay updated on the latest laws and regulations.
We need to make sure everyone in the team is ______________ before we start the project.
We need to make sure everyone in the team is on the same page before we start the project.
I would love to buy that new phone, but it _______________, so I'll have to save up for it.
I would love to buy that new phone, but it costs an arm and a leg, so I'll have to save up for it.
Exercising and eating healthy foods is definitely ______________ to improving your health.
Exercising and eating healthy foods is definitely on the right track to improving your health.
If you want to improve your English, you need to ____________ regularly.
If you want to improve your English, you need to hit the books regularly.
We need to address this issue instead of ______________ and pretending it doesn't exist.
We need to address this issue instead of sweeping it under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist.
Let's have a meeting to discuss the details and make sure we're all ______________.
Let's have a meeting to discuss the details and make sure we're all on the same page.
Going on vacation during peak season can _______________.
Going on vacation during peak season can cost an arm and a leg.
She's been studying hard, so I think she's ________________ to pass the test.
She's been studying hard, so I think she's on the right track to pass the test.
I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to _______________ tonight and study.
I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to hit the books tonight and study.