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If you catch the golden fish, what wish you want him to grant you?
What happened in the end of the story about Fisherman and the fish?
They went back to their old life
Why a golden fish was angry?
wife wanted too much
What the difference between poor and rich people?
in money
After this, how Robert helped poor people?
he stole from rich and give gold to poor people
What was Rober's new name?
Robin Hood
What did Will give to Robert?
bow and arrows
Who Robert met in the forest?
criminals that steal from people
What did he do when Sheriff wanted to arrest him?
He escaped on his horse and rode away
What did Robert say when he heard that news?
He didn't believe
What news Sheriff fold Rohert?
said that Robert was enemy of the new King
What happened on their wedding?
Sheriff came and stopped their wedding
Who got married in the church on that summer morning?
Robert and Marian
What did the wife want when the fisherman came home with the new bucket?
The wife wanted a new house.
What did the fish say when the fisherman asked for a new bucket the first time?
"You can have your wish. Go home now."
What did the fisherman ask for when he came back to the sea the first time?
A new bucket
What did the wife shout at the fisherman after he let the golden fish go?
"You fool! We need a new bucket! Go back and ask for a bucket!"
What did the fisherman say when a golden fish asked about his wish?
He said: I don't want anything
Why was fisherman surprised when he saw a golden fish?
a golden fish coulf speak
What did the fisherman catch one day?
a golden fish
Where did the old fisherman and his wife live?
in a small house near the sea.