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Bussines Negotiation U1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(E) People who have the courage to take risks and face challenges with initiative, creativity and persistence
(9SN) This strategy involves the use of surprise or distracting tactics to divert the other party's attention during the negotiation
The fuss
(E) An individual who tends to be attractive, persuasive, and able to establish emotional connections with others.
(9SN) Both parties are actively participating, an incredible synergy is created with such teamwork
Active participation
(9SN) Let the counterparty enjoy the good or service that is being offered, so that they are convinced that the price they are paying is reasonable
The dog
(S.N.) Move psychologically against their opponents, seek extreme results
Competitive / adversarial
(9NS) You try to make the other negotiator believe that you have left of thinking about the matter when in reality it is not like that.
Timely departure
(E) Involves the ability to recognize, understand and manage one's own and others' emotions
Emotional intelligence
(S.N) Move psychologically toward their opponents, seek reasonable results
(I.F.) Before negotiating, each party should focus on the investigation of data, facts, trends, calculations, projections, strengths and weaknesses (both, own and the other party)
Information & preparation
(E.F.) Especially the Energy Industries and companies dependent on supply chains and distribution of goods, merchandise and products; are at the mercy of :
Negotiation External factors (4)
Financial & Political environment, Technological advances, Socio-cultural elements and Environment
(I.F) The adaptability, patience, kindness, humor, control of emotions, silence can be decisive to close a deal.
(I.F.) Anyone who chooses a family or friendly site for himself will have an advantage. Internal factor
Scenery & time
(I.F.) It is a important factor before negotiating: each party should focus on the investigation of data, facts, trends, calculations, projections, strengths and weaknesses (both, own and the other party).
Information & preparation
Internal negotiation factors (3)
Information & preparation, Scenery & time and Personality
Thompson (2011) describes “as an interpersonal decision-making process necessary whenever we can’t achieve our objectives single-handedly”.