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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I_______________ a nap, I _____________to tackle the problem in a creative way.
hadn't taken, wouldn't have been able
hadn't taken, can think
haven't taken a nap, can think
haven't taken a nap, wouldn't have been able
We __________ distracted by the background noise if we ________ to a cafe to do our work
mightn't have been, had gone
mightn't have been, went
hadn't been, went
hadn't been, had gone
If you _____________ a walk outside, you __________ more creatively. Being outdoors stimulates all five of your senses, which can stimulate creativity.
took, could think
took, thought
had taken, could think
had taken, thought
If you _________________ at something blue, you _______________more clearly.
look, might think
look, had thought
would look, might think
would look, had thought
If you _____________ more often, your body and mind ______________ more relaxed, which makes it easier to have creative ideas
exercised, would feel
exercised, are
had exercised, would feel
had exercised, are
If you ______________________, you _____________ to think about the a problem differently and perhaps come up with a new solution.
meditate, will be able
would meditate, will be able
meditate, could think
would meditate, could think
If we _____________________ the video game, we ___________ in such a good mood, which often makes us more creative.
hadn't played, wouldn't have been
hadn't played, aren't
didn't play, wouldn't have been
didn't play, aren't
Students _________ (be) better prepared to be scientists or musicians if we didn't expect them to focus on memorizing facts and formulas.
would be
If students _____________ (teach) that there's only one solution to a problem, they won't be able to imagine creative solutions.
are taught
How can we expect students to be creative if their assignments __________________ (have) very specific instructions?
Students ______________________ (have) difficulty in the future if education doesn't include creativity.
will have