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5a Science Animals Review

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Both female ducks and chickens are called ________
How is a duck's diet different from a chicken's?
Ducks eat more fish, aquatic plants
What is a chicken's diet?
Omnivorous: grain, seeds, insects, small mammals
What is special about duck feet?
Webbed for swimming
What is interesting about male and female tree sparrows?
They look the same
What is the main difference between male and female may bugs?
Males have bigger antennae
What animal has a wattle and comb?
What is a male duck called?
What is a rooster?
Male chicken
What are compound eyes?
multiple lenses that make a big eye
Which of the insects that we have learned about has a proboscis?
House Fly
Which insect that we learned about has hard wings and membranous wings?
May Bug
How many pairs of legs do insects have?
Why are insects crunchy?
Baby Pig
Female Pig
Male pig
Boar or hog
Pigs have poor eyesight but great _____________ and ___________________.
smell and hearing
What does domesticated mean?
animals adapted to live wit humans for work or products.
What is something that wild boars have in their mouths that domesticated pigs don't?
Tusks, large teeth
Are pigs ungulates?
What is a pigs nose called?
How many puppies are born in each litter?
depends on the breed of dog
Dogs and cows both have incisors.
What are the 4 types of teeth dogs have?
incisors, canines, premolars, molars
Dogs are a domesticated animal.
All dogs have the same types of teeth.
What kind of food do dogs need the most?
What do bulls use horns for?
What is a horn?
Hard, sharp thing that grows out of an animal's head
What is a hoof?
Large "toenail"
Female cattle
Male cattle
What is a carnassial molar?
Large molar that carnivores have
What does ungulate mean?
an animal with hooves
Where cows produce and store milk
Newborn cattle-both male and female