Edit Game
Unit 3 - grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How (you/ feel) _______ if you (not, make) __________ friends?
will you feel/ don't make
Who (Peter/ talk)______to if he (get)______ lonely?
will Peter talk/ gets
What (you/ say) ____if you (not/ like) _____ your new house?
will you say/ don't like
What (happen) _____ if Bill (not, like) _______ his new school?
will happen/ doesn't like
How (you/ contact) _______ me if you (lose) _____ my email address?
will you contact/ lose
If I (write) _______ a lot, I (be)____ able to write quickly.
write/ will be
if you (do)______ your homework, the teacher (be) ____________ happy.
do/ will be
Where (you/ copy) _______ the presentation if I (have) ________ the file?
will you copy/ have
If Bob (tidy)______ up the kitchen, (Anita/ clean) _______ the toilet?
tidies/ will Anita clean
If Caroline and Sue (prepare)______ the salad, Phil (decorate)______ the house.
prepare/ will decorate
you (not/ catch)_____ the plane if you (not/ hurry) ________up
won't catch/ don't hurry
if Paul (get)______ driving license, (he, drive)__________ the school bus?
gets/ will he drive
If we (see)_______ her, we (tell)____________ her what the teacher said.
see/ will tell
If the teachers (have)______ time, they (learn)________ the subjects.
have/ will learn
I (finish)__________ my homework on time if My mother (help)________ me.
will finish/ helps
If you (not/ win) _____________ scholarship, your father (be)__________ very sad.
don't win/ will be
If it (snow) ________ tomorrow, (we/ go) ___________ skiing?
snows/ will we go
(we/ go) _________ to the concert if Lily (have)___________ tickets?
will we go/ has
If it (not, rain) ________ tomorrow, Sam's family (go) ______ on a picnic.
doesn't rain/ will go
if you (have)_______ enough money, what (you, buy)__________?
have/ will you buy