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G8 check-up 26/02

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Why is the red panda population falling, and what are they listed as?
Predators, habitat loss, human activities, and small litters
How many young are there in a litter of the endangered animal?
About one or two.
Where is the habitat of the endangered animal located?
Forests in mountainous areas of Nepal, Myanmar, and central China.
What is the life span of the endangered animal in the wild?
8 years.
How many bamboo leaves is it estimated the animal eats in a day?
About 20,000 bamboo leaves
What is the primary diet of the endangered animal?
Mostly bamboo, also berries, plants, insects, and eggs.
Describe the unique characteristics of the Red Panda.
look like raccoons or squirrels, have reddish-brown fur with white patches, and are good climbers.
Why are Mountain Gorillas critically endangered, and where do they live?
critically endangered with only around 880 left, facing threats from habitat loss and hunting for food.
What are the threats to Red Squirrels in Europe?
habitat loss due to the cutting down of woodlands
Where in the world can you find Sea Turtles, and why are they threatened?
every ocean and are threatened by hunting, fishing nets, and plastic pollution.
What is the main threat to Polar Bears according to the information?
global warming and disappearing ice.
Identify the status and threat to Polar Bears.
vulnerable, and their population is getting smaller.
How does climate change affect the endangerment of species?
leads to extreme and unpredictable weather, affecting habitats.
How can disease affect plant and animal populations?
can attack plants and animals, posing a threat to their populations.
What role do poachers play in the endangerment of certain species?
in illegal hunting of animals, such as rhinos for their horns.
How does habitat loss affect animals and plants?
forests and wild areas are cleared for human activities, leaving animals and plants homeless.
Why is hunting a threat to some animal species?
for damaging crops, homes, or as a form of 'sport'.
What are the main threats to animal habitats?
habitat loss, hunting, disease, and climate change.
Provide three factors that can make a species endangered.
small population, a small habitat, and the threat of extinction.
Give an explanation to a phrase "an endangered animal".
a species with a small population, small habitat, or threatened with extinction.
What is an endangered animal?
a species that is threatened with extinction.