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B1 Unit 7: Grammar - Relative clauses
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we went in the cable car, we _______ keep our things in our bags so they didn't fall out.
Had to
Which present participle do we usually use for rules?
Have to
Which present participle do we use for things we think are important?
Have to
What is the negative version of 'have to'?
Don't have to
_________ happened in the last episode? I didn't watch it last night!
I heard a noise in the closet ______ my mother didn't hear.
That's ________ we ate lunch yesterday.
_______ car is parked outside?
________ notebook is this?
Which one is a present obligation?
Have to
Had to
Will have to
Which one is a past obligation?
Had to
Will have to
Which one is a future obligation?
Will have to
Have to
You ______ run on the bus when its moving.
Have to
Will have to
We will _____ show our passports when we check in later.
Have to
Had to
Thats the man ______ kids I used to babysit
That's the girl ______ pencil I borrowed.
That's the boy ______ broke his leg.
Who / that
That's the hotel _____ we spent our honeymoon.
I need a tablet ______ has a good camera
that / which
My mom is the only person ______ remembers my birthday.
who / that
That bus is the one ______ my brother takes to work.
that / which
Van Gogh is the artist _______ painted The Starry Night.
who / that
That's the restaurant ________ is very expensive.
that / which
Are those the people _______ are buying their house?
who / that
Do you know a good restaurant ________ is open on Sunday night?
that / which
Is that the train _______ goes the the airport?
that / which
She's the woman ______ everyone is talking about.
who / that
I took my laptop back to the shop ______ I bought it.
New York is the city _______ I lived as a child.
Is there someone ______ can speak English in your class?
who / that