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P3 Reviewer for Finals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will you do if your baby sister feels bad about something in her school? 1. You will just let her cry. 2. You will comfort or hug her. 3. You will not mind her.
2. You will comfort or hug her.
What will happen if you will always listen to your negative and sad feelings? 1. You will always be moody and alone. 2. You will have more friends. 3. Your family will love you more.
1. You will always be moody and alone.
What should you do when you feel bad about something? 1. talk to a person you don’t know 2. talk to your family 3. talk to yourself
2. talk to your family
What will be the effect of having good feelings? 1. feeling happy and light 2. feeling sad and lonely 3. feeling scared all the time
1. feeling happy and light
Which activity will help you if you have sad feelings? 1. listening to music 2. watching horror movies 3. fighting a friend
1. listening to music
How many times a year should you visit your dentist? 1. once a year 2. twice a year 3. thrice a year
2. twice a year
What type of nutrient is present in milk? 1. calcium 2. protein 3. vitamins
1. calcium
What vitamin is present in fruits and vegetables? 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin B 3. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin C
What do you need to drink in order to keep your teeth healthy and strong? 1. milk 2. coke 3. juice
1. milk
How many times a day do you need to brush your teeth? 1. two times a day 2. four times a day 3. six times a day
1. two times a day
Which is an example of physical activity? 1. playing computer activity 2. swimming activity 3. sleeping activity
2. swimming activity
Which is an example of non-locomotor movement? 1. lifting 2. walking 3. jumping
1. lifting
Which of the following is an example of a locomotor movement? 1. walking 2. bending 3. swinging
1. walking
Which movement do not require the body to change in direction? 1. Locomotor movement 2. Non-locomotor movement 3. Motorcycle movement
2. Non-locomotor movement
What do you call the movements that require the body to change in direction? 1. Locomotor movement 2. Non-locomotor movement 3. Motorcycle movement
1. Locomotor movement
What will you do if you are not in good terms with friends? 1. Talk about the problem and fix it immediately. 2. Fight with your friend. 3. Do not talk with your friend anymore.
1. Talk about the problem and fix it immediately.
What will you do if your friend was being bullied by other kids? 1. Go to your teacher and tell him/her about it. 2. Stop the bullies and fight with them. 3. Go after the bullies and bully them too.
1. Go to your teacher and tell him/her about it.
Which of the following is NOT CORRECT? 1. Always lock the door at home. 2. Do not entertain people you don’t know. 3. Always welcome strangers at home.
3. Always welcome strangers at home.
Which statement is CORRECT? 1. We should go with a stranger. 2. We should be very careful with strangers. 3. We should accept gifts from strangers.
2. We should be very careful with strangers.
What is the best thing to do for you to have friends? 1. Stay away from other kids. 2. Play with other kids. 3. Just do things on your own
2. Play with other kids.