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World War II Review

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Who was Alan Turing?
Invented the first computer and broke the German enigma code
What did women do during World War II?
Worked in factories, were nurses, made supplies, did secretary work for the military, etc.
Who were the Tuskegee airmen?
African Americans who were part of a program to fly and repair combat aircraft
Who were the Navajo code talkers?
Native Americans who used their language to send coded messages during the island hopping campaign
Which battle had the Allies and Axis powers fighting each other on boats in the ocean?
Battle of the Atlantic
Why was Pearl Harbor important in World War II?
Surprise Japanese attack on U.S. where we decided to join the war
What battle did the U.S. destroy 4 Japanese aircraft carriers?
Battle of Midway
What was the Battle of the Bulge?
Last major Allied offensive against the Axis powers
What happened at D-Day?
U.S., Canada, and Great Britain invaded France to fight Germany
What battle took place because the U.S. wanted control of an airbase?
Battle of Guadalcanal
What was the island hopping campaign?
Japan tried to win control of the islands so they could invade the U.S. by land
Why did Germany bomb London during the London Blitz?
They tried to win control of the skies
What country tried to invade Soviet Russia in the Battle of Stalingrad
What country dropped two atomic bombs on Japan?
United States of America
What is anti-Semitism?
Aggressive behavior or hate towards Jews simply because they are Jewish
What did the Nazis believe?
German pride and anti-Semitism
What was the Holocaust?
murder of 6 million Jewish people by Adolf Hitler
Who was Soviet Russia's leader during World War II?
Joseph Stalin
Who was Italy's leader during World War II?
Benito Mussolini
Who was Great Britain's leader during World War II?
Winston Churchill
Who was the United States of America's leader during World War II?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who was Japan's leader during World War II?
Hideki Tojo
Who was Germany's leader during World War II?
Adolf Hitler
What three countries were a part of the Allied powers?
United States of America, Great Britain, Soviet Russia
What three countries were a part of the Axis powers?
Japan, Germany, Italy