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Black History Month Review
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She was one top 50 women under the age of 35 working in engineering in the United States. She went to Nigeria to solve the energy crisis
Ozak Esu
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
She recieved a patent for creating the closed circuit television security system.
Marie Van Brittan Brown
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
Ida. B Wells
She was the first African American woman to file a patent in 1885. She was recognized for her innovative space saving solutions, which was the cabinet bed which could be turned into a functional desk.
Sarah Goode
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
Received a patent back 1888 for an invention she named the gong and signal chair for hotels she became the seccond african american woman to do so .
Miriam Benjamin
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
During cataract surgery she invented the Laserphaco Probe, which is a tool that is used to correct cataracts that have developed over time. She was the first African American female doctor to recieve a medical patent for her invention.
Dr. Patricia Bath
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
The first African American woman to become a millionaire in the 1970's when launched her own line of hair care products.She invented the first hot comb.
Madam C.J. Walker
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
Who co-founded Black History Month?
Carter G Woodson
Martin Luther King Jr
Barack Obama
Rosa Parks
Why was february chosen as black history month?
Coincides with the birthdays of both Abraham and Fredrick
Christmas Day
President's Day
Valentine's Day
What does ASALH stand for?
Association For The Study Of African American Life History
African American
Who is Carter G. Woodson?
A historian who created African American studies.
American former professional tennis player.
Serena Williams
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
She is the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, artist and writer.
Patrisse Marie
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
During her time as first lady, she served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating.
Michelle Obama
Rosa Parks
Mariah Carey
He was the first African American president of the United States (2009-17).
Barack Obama
She is an American engineer, and the first African American female astronaut.
Mae Jemison
Mariah Carey
Michelle Obama
She was a singer, songwriter, and actress.
Tina Turner
Angela Davis
Rosa Parks
Michelle Obama
He was an American professional boxer and activist.
Muhammad Ali
Barack Obama
Beverly Hills
Micheal Jordan
She is an American political activist professor, and author who was an active member in the communist party and the Black Panther Party.
Angela Davis
Michelle Obama
Micheal Jordan
Jordan Sparks
He was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who a prominent figure during the civil rights movement.
Malcolm X
Barack Obama
Steven Universe
John F. Kennedy
He was an American inventor, businessman, and community leader.
Garret Morgan
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King Jr.
Micheal Jordan
Called " the mother of the civil rights movement"!
Rosa Parks
Garret Morgan
Michelle Obama
Lauren Swint
Her inventions include the sanitary belt- a predecessor to the maxi pad.
Mary Kenner
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
She was a remarkable inventor who patented the first hair brush with synthetic bristles.
Lyda Newman
Harriet Tubman
Rosa Parks
Barack Obama
She was an American abolitionist and social activist. After escaping slavery, she made 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including her family and friends.
Harriet Tubman
Rosa Parks
Mary Kenner
Ida. B Wells
She was an African American jounalist, abolitionist and feminist who led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States in the 1890's.
Ida B. Wells
Rosa Parks
Michelle Obama
Serena Williams