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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an irrigated crop?
It's a crop that needs a lot of extra water
What is a dry crop?
A dry crop is a crop that needs water from the rain only
What food is made from olive trees?
Olive oil
What food is made from rice?
Paella, rizotto, sushi etc
What food is made from corn?
Cereal, pamonha etc
What food is made from wheat?
Bread etc
Teachers. Do they work in primary, secondary or tertiary sectors?
Tertiary sector
Carpenters. Do they work in primary, secondary or tertiary sectors?
Secondary sector
Farmers. Do they work in primary, secondary or tertiary sectors?
Primary sector
Say 2 examples of jobs in the tertiary sector
Examples: lawyer, dentist, actor, teacher, doctor, nurse, firefighter...
Say 2 examples of jobs in the secondary sector
Examples: factory worker, carpenter, builder...
Say 2 examples of jobs in the primary sector
Examples: farmer, fisherman, miner etc
In what job sector do people transform natural products into manufactured ones? Like in factories
Secondary sector
In what job sector do people extract things from nature?
Primary sector
In what job sector do people provide a service?
Tertiary sector
What do we call the money we get from work?
How many job sectors are there?
3! Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors