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Abu Bakr r.a.

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Which daughter of Abu Bakr was married to the Prophet?
Abu Bakr r.a. also spent his wealth by freeing slaves (True/False)
Why did Abu Bakr compile the Quran into a book?
To ensure that the Quran or parts of the Quran are not lost
During his last illness, the Prophet chose Abu Bakr r.a. to lead the prayers (True/False)
Which place was Abu Bakr r.a. buried in?
He was buried in Al Masjid an Nabawi in Madinah
Abu Bakr was the first male to convert to Islam (True/False)
Was Abu Bakr r.a. the chief advisor of the Prophet?
Yes he was the chief advisor and deputy of the Prophet
Who nominated Abu Bakr r.a. as the first caliph?
Umar ibn al-Khattab r.a.
Was Abu Bakr the only caliph who died due to natural reasons?
Yes he was the only caliph who wasn't martyred
Was Abu Bakr r.a. one of the Ashara Mubasharin (those who were promised Jannah when they were alive)?
Yes he was one of the Ashara Mubasharin
Why did Abu Bakr receive the title of 'As-Siddiq'?
He was the first to believe in the event of Isra and Miraj when no one else did
When did Abu Bakr r.a. receive the title of 'As-Siddiq'?
At the night of Isra and Miraj
How much younger than the Prophet was Abu Bakr r.a.?
3 years
Abu Bakr r.a. was the best friend and the father in law of the Prophet (True/False)
Abu Bakr was a rich and successful businessman (True/ False)
Abu Bakr r.a. never participated in worshipping idols before Islam (True/False)
What was the personality of Abu Bakr r.a.?
He was kind-hearted, honest, trustworthy and courageous
Where was Abu Bakr buried?
He was buried next to the prophet
At what age did Abu Bakr r.a. pass away?
At the age of 60
How long did the caliphate of Abu Bakr r.a. last?
2 years and 2 months
What was the reason behind the death of Abu Bakr r.a.?
He died due to an ilness
What are 2 main achievements of Abu Bakr r.a. during his caliphate?
1) Fighting those who claimed to be the next prophet 2) Collecting all the parts of the Quran and turning it into a book
Abu Bakr gave most of his wealth for the cause of Islam (True/False)
What was the title given to Abu Bakr by the Prophet ?
Abu Bakr was one of the earliest muslims (True/False)
When was Abu Bakr r.a. born?
573 AD