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Ali ibn Abu Talib r.a.

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Ali r.a. wrote the terms of.....
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
Was Ali r.a. successful in inviting people of Yemen to Islam
(True/False) Ali r.a. is the leader of Ahl al Bayt
What was the personality of Ali r.a.?
brave, courageous, righteous , kind, wise and just
(True / False) Ali r.a. is referred to as the ‘gateway to the world of wisdom’
What was the reason for Ali r.a. death?
He was martyred by a man who attacked him when he was entering the Masjid for morning prayers
(True/False) Ali r.a. was the second muslim after Khadija r.a.
(True/False) Ali r.a. was the second muslim after Khadija r.a.
How old was Ali r.a. when he accepted Islam?
10 years old
Who was the father of Ali r.a.?
Abu Talib