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Animal Camouflage II

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A butterfly (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
some caterpillars (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
An arctic hare - rabbit - (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A chameleon (top left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A decorator crab (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A sea turtle (left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
An iguana lizard (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A scorpion fish (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A toad (right)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A grasshopper (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
Two kangaroos (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
a leaf insect (left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A horned lizard (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A pygmy seahorse (center left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A nighthawk bird (center bottom)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
two deer (center top)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A great potoo bird (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A wolf spider (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A snipe - bird (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A two toed lizard (center facing left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
Buff tip Moth (left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
Frog (left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A flounder - flat fish (center left)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
An octopus (center)
What animal can you see in the image and where is it?
A human soldier. (left)