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ServSafe Review
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Can a food handler always identify food that has been contaminated with pathogens?
A filet bone is an example of...
a physical hazard
How can food contamination caused by pathogens on a food handler's body be controlled?
good physical hygiene
Storing toothpicks on shelves above food in storage can cause which type of hazard??
Uncovered lightbulbs may expose food to which type of hazard?
Not rinsing a cutting board thoroughly after washing is an example of...
poor cleaning and sanitizing
Not washing your hands after going to the bathroom is an example of....
poor personal hygiene
Using the same knife to cut pork and then vegetables right after is an example of ....
Leaving frozen fish to thaw on the counter over night is an example of...
time-temperature abuse
What is a foodborne illness?
a disease that is transmitted to people through food
Why is food safety important?
it keeps people safe
What is an example of poor cleaning and sanatizing?
answer will vary; food particles still on a plate after washing
What is time-temperature abuse?
letting food stay too long at temperatures that allow pathogen growth
What is cross-contamination?
transferring pathogens from food to food or surfaces
What is an example of poor personal hygiene making food unsafe?
sneezing on food, not washing hands...
What are the four ways people make food unsafe?
poor personal hygiene, cross-contamination, time/temperature abuse, poor cleaning/sanatizing
What is an example of a non-natural physical hazard in food?
hair, glass, bandage, jewelry
What is an example of a natural physical hazard in food?
fish bones, fruit pits
Can chemicals in your operation contaminate food?
What are some examples of pathogens?
bacteria, virus, parasite, fungi
What three types of hazards make food unsafe?
Biological, Chemical, and Physical