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Adjectives Ending in -ed and -ing
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was_____ when I failed the test again. (frustrate)
I was frustrated when I failed the test again.
Building a house can be very_____ if you don't use professional people. (frustrate)
Building a house can be very frustrating if you don't use professional people.
It was very _____ to find my friends waiting for me at home. (surprise)
It was very surprising to find my friends waiting for me at home.
Dan and Rachel were_____ when they heard the news. (shock)
Dan and Rachel were shocked when they heard the news.
The fireworks were_____. (fascinate)
The fireworks were fascinating.
Ruth and Joe were _____ by the huge jellyfish. (fascinate)
Ruth and Joe were fascinated by the huge jellyfish.
I am _____ to see you here. I thought you don't like coming here. (surprise)
I am surprised to see you here. I thought you don't like coming here.
The salesman who sold us the house was very _____. (convince)
The salesman who sold us the house was very convincing.
Janet is _____ that Paul will come back. (convince)
Janet is convinced that Paul will come back.
The article about aliens was _____. (interest)
The article about aliens was interesting.
I was very _____ in buying the red car. (interest)
I was very interested in buying the red car.
The conversation was so _____ that Sara left. (bore)
The conversation was so boring that Sara left.
The map of Paris was very_____. (confuse)
The map of Paris was very confusing.
I was_____ when I heard both sides of the story. (confuse)
I was confused when I heard both sides of the story.
The breaking news about the sinking ship was _____. (shock)
The breaking news about the sinking ship was shocking.
Sara was_____ with the conversation, so she left. (bore)
Sara was bored with the conversation, so she left.
The show last night was _____. (disappoint)
The show last night was disappointing.
She was very _____ when she didn't get the letter on time. (disappoint)
She was very disappointed when she didn't get the letter on time.
Ron and Dan were _____ of the huge spider on the wall. (terrify)
Ron and Dan were terrified of the huge spider on the wall.
That dog is _____. It is always clean and groomed. (love)
That dog is loved. It is always clean and groomed.
My mum is very _____.She always kisses me. (love)
My mum is very loving. She always kisses me.
I am so_____ to be going to London soon. (excite)
I am so excited to be going to London soon.
The trip to London is very _____. (excite)
The trip to London is very exciting.
I just heard a _____ piece of news. (please)
I just heard a pleasing piece of news.
I was so_____to meet her. I haven't seen her for ages. (please)
I was so pleased to meet her. I haven't seen her for ages.
A_____cat will escape through tightest places. (frighten)
A frightened cat will escape through tightest places.
The horror film was so _____ that I couldn't sleep all night. (frighten)
The horror film was so frightening that I couldn't sleep all night.
Most people find sharks _____. (terrify)
Most people find sharks terrifying.
My cat is _____ of water. (terrify)
My cat is terrified of water.
My grandma is very _____. She likes to hug me. (love)
My grandma is very loving. She likes to hug me.
When I really want something, I can be very _____. (convince)
When I really want something, I can be very convincing.
Chelsea is _____ that she is a wonderful singer. (convince)
Chelsea is convinced that she is a wonderful singer.
My uncle's car is very_____. It is always clean and shiny. (love)
My uncle's car is very loved. It is always clean and shiny.
My teacher is always _____ with my work. (please)
My teacher is always pleased with my work.
It was very _____ to hear that my friends had planned my party. (surprise)
It was very surprising to hear that my friends had planned my party.
Jack was very _____ when his parents gave him his present. (surprise)
Jack was very surprised when his parents gave him his present.