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Changes in the Earth's Crust

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How are stalagtites formed?
rainwater dissolves limestone and sinks into caves and the limestone collects on ceiling
What does dissolve mean?
to break down into tiny pieces
Besides volcanoes, how else can islands be formed?
River build up sediment as they move.
What is sediment?
The small bits of rock and sand carried by rivers
What is a moraines?
small hill created by glacier movement
What is a glacier?
an ice river
How does wind affect the surface of the earth?
It polishes rock surfaces and creates dunes
What is a dune?
a hill made of sand
What does transports mean?
move from one place to another
How does temperature change the surface of the earth?
The expanding and contracting of rocks over time breaks them into smaller pieces; in the winter ice forms in cracks and expands them
What does contract mean?
get smaller
What does expand mean?
get larger
What does erosion mean?
external forces wearing down rocks/soil and moving them
Give an example of an external force
wind, temperature changes, ice, rainwater, rivers
Give an example of an internal force
earthquake, volcanoes
What are external forces?
affect the surface of the earth
What are internal forces?
generated inside the earth
What are constructive processes?
Shape the surface of the Earth, by building up Mountains and Landmasses
What are destructive process?
processes that destroy landforms. – 2 types: Slow (weathering) and Fast (Erosion) – Ex. landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods.
What is a volcano?
an opening in Earth's surface through which melted rock, hot gases, rock pieces, and ash burst forth, or erupt
What is magma?
Melted rock below the Earth's surface; called lava at the surface.
What is the focus?
Point underground where the faulting in an earthquake occurs
What is a fault?
Crack in the Earth's surface along which movement takes place
What is the epicenter?
the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
What causes an earthquake
a move in the earth's crust.