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Middle East Unit 3 (Government and Economy) Revi ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word means the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year?
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Goods are made by hand and only what is needed, bartering instead of $-what economy?
A combination of command and market
Mixed Economy
Consumers and producers control most aspects of this economy
Government controls all aspects of the economy
Command Economy
Which Middle Eastern country is closest to Command on the economic continuum?
Saudi Arabia
Which Middle Eastern country is closest to Market on the economic continuum?
If a country encourages people to start businesses, what factor of productions are they investing in?
What are the 4 factors of production?
Human capital, capital resources, natural resources, entrepreneurship
gold, oil, farmland, timber are all examples of what factor of production?
natural resources
If a country has new technology, new roads and bridges, and make goods in factories, which factor of production have they invested in?
Capital resources
If the literacy rate of a country increases, what factor of production has the country invested in?
human capital
Not allowing trade at all
Limit on imported goods
Tax on imported goods
What does O.P.E.C. stand for?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Which country changed from parliamentary to presidential democracy recently?
Which country does the leader inherit their title?
Saudi Arabia
Which 2 countries DO NOT have a written Constitution?
Saudi Arabia and Israel
Which 2 countries can ALL citizens vote at age 18?
Israel and Turkey
Presidential Democracy, all citizens vote at age18, women and Kurds don't have equal rights-which country?
Absolute Monarchy, King, No Constitution-uses the Qu'ran, women have almost no rights-which country?
Saudi Arabia
Parliamentary Democracy, Prime Minister, Knesset, lots of personal freedoms-Which country?
The leader has the power in this type of government
The people have the power in this type of government
People directly elect the leader, CANNOT be fired, 3 seperate branches(2 words)
Presidential Democracy
People DO NOT directly elect the leader who is usually called Prime Minister and CAN be fired (2 words)
Parliamentary Democracy