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The Role of President and Fundamental Rights

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What are the upcoming referendums?
To add in under Article 41 a definition for families to include all families of durable relationship and to delete Article 41.2 and change it to be about carers
Do children have a right to free secondary education?
No, children have a right to free primary education
Does every citizen in Ireland have an absolute right to freedom of expression? (To say whatever we want whenever we want)
No! You cannot defame anybody or discuss anything about overthrowing the government. Blasphemy referendum
Are fundamental rights an absolute right? (an absolute right is a right that is given to you and nothing can change it or limit it)
No, not all fundamental rights are absolute rights. There are a couple of absolute rights (Right to life( however the majority can be limited.
Are you allowed to conduct your business in English, Irish or both?
You are allowed under Article 8 of the Constitution to conduct your business in Irish English or both?
True or false: You are allowed to practise any religion in Ireland and nobody can discriminate against you because of your religion
What Articles in the Constitution give you your fundamental rights?
Articles 40 - 44
How is a President removed?
If 5 or more Supreme Court judges decides that the President is incapacitated permanentlyd,
Who does the President represent?
The Irish people, both at home and abroad
What is the name of the President's Advisory Committee?
the Council of State
What powers does the President have?
Appointment of Taoiseach and other TD, summoning or dissolving the Oireachtas, signing legislation in law, representing the Irish people, commander of army
What is the procedure of getting nominated to  become President of Ireland?
Once you are over the age of 35, and get nominated by at least 20 members of the Oireachtas or by 4 county councils
How is the President of Ireland elected?
By popular vote
What age do you have to be to apply to become the President?
What is the Official title of the President?
President of Ireland, Guardian of the Constitution and Commander in Chief of the Defense Forces