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The outside space of a ship where passengers can walk and sit in the fresh air
feeling sick due to the movement of a ship through water is called
a short trip or visit (less than a day) for pleasure or education is an
Phrasal verb: To tolerate a negative situation without complaining
Put up with
seeing very beautiful sights, for example; of natural areas or historic architecture is
breathtaking views
a type of vacation with a fixed price, which includes flights, accomodation and often food and drink.
package holiday
a long journey by ship is called a
a negative experience with prices that are too high or a service that is very poor
get ripped off
an attraction for visitors to an area with high prices and little value
tourist attraction
a cheap item that people buy to remember a place they have visited
tacky souvenir
Prices that are fair, reasonable, acceptable are
A long walk in the mountains or countryside is called a
A place to relax in heated water, often located outside
Hot tub
A place with a roof where you can keep dry in the rain
Become completely wet
Put up a temporary sleeping structure
Pitch a tent
Comfortable and easy way to experience camping
Organize something with several elements
Put something together