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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: What is Peter cooking? B: I don't know. It smells ---- steak.
Eric Clapton is very talented, isn't he? B: Yes. He is known ---- one of the greatest rock musicians of our time.
A: It was far too hot in that room. B: I know. It was ---- being in an oven.
A: I'm sure i know that man. B: Me too. He looks ---- my old math teacher.
A: I've just bought this dress. B: Gosh! It's exactly the same ---- the one I bought!
A: What kind of me at is this? B: I'm not sure. It tastes ---- beef.
A: What does Mark do for a living? B: He works ---- a hotel manager.
A: The play last night was fantastic. B: Yes. The lead actor was wonderful ---- Macbeth.
A: How shall I tie my shoelaces? B: Do it ---- we taught you.
A: I wish Sarah would stop being so immature. B: I agree. She acts ---- a child sometimes.
A: Tara is a wonderful artist. B: Yes. No one else can paint ---- her.
Mrs Madison was offered a job ---- a sales assistant in a nearby boutique.
Mrs Madison was offered a job AS a sales assistant in a nearby boutique.
"Sammy, you're a big boy now. Stop acting ---- a baby," she said.
"Sammy, you're a big boy now. Stop acting LIKE a baby," she said.