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Macbeth plot revision

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Who kills Macbeth in the end?
Lady Macbeth
The Witches
King Duncan's sons
When is Macbeth crowned king?
After King Duncan's sons flee.
After he kills Banquo.
At the end of the play.
At the start of the play.
Why does Macbeth decide to kill his friend Banquo?
Because the witches said that Banquo's sons will become heir to the throne.
What do the witches say to Macbeth to make him think he will not be harmed?
That no man born of a woman can harm him.
That they will protect him.
That he is stronger than everyone else.
That God is on his side.
True or false? Macbeth himself murders Banquo by stabbing him with a dagger.
False - Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son, however Banquo's son escapes.
Who is blamed for the death of King Duncan?
The servants who were guarding his room.
The three witches
Lady Macbeth
What is Macbeth's fatal character flaw?
Excessive ambition
Being blinded by love
What do the three witches predict for Macbeth at the start of the play?
That he will become the king of Scotland.
What does Lady Macbeth repeatedly do as she starts to lose her mind?
Wash her hands
See ghosts
Visit the witches
Whose ghost does Macbeth see in the middle of the play?
King Duncan
Lady Macbeth
Where is the play set?
Who is the first person that Macbeth kills?
King Duncan
Which of these is NOT a theme in Macbeth?
Coming of age
Power and ambition
The supernatural