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Engish File pre-intermediate unit 11B phrasal ve ...
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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look forward to (sth/doing sth) (insep)
be excited about sth that will happen
look after sb (insep)
take care of, be in charge of especially of little children
get on with sb (insep)
to relate to others
get off the bus (insep)
to leave the bus/ go out of it
get on the bus (insep)
go on board the bus
look for sth (insep)
search, when you want to find sth you've lost
carry on sth/doing sth (insep)
take off
remove a piece of clothing from you
put on
to start wearing a piece of clothing
fill in
complete sth
look up
to search for the meaning on sth in the dictionary/web
turn up
to increase the volume of sth
turn down
reduce the volume of sth
throw away
put sth with the rubbish/garbage
give up
abandon sth
pick up
take sth that was on the floor
put away
put sth back to its place
write down
write on a piece of paper
switch off
stop your device from working
pay back
return money you borrowed
call back
return a call
take back
take something you bought to a shop
give back
return sth to sb
try on
try clothes before buying them
turn off
to switch off your device
turn on
start your device
be over
to finish
stand up
to stand on your feet
go out
go to a place especially at night
come on
let's go
get up
go out of bed